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Workplace radon and external dose surveys

Elevated radon and external radiation levels exist in work environments containing traces of uranium e.g. underground or surface mines. The levels may be natural, or enhanced by human activity. Mining and other workforce members are exposed and their radiological safety has to be assessed and controlled.


Workplace radon and external dose surveys pertain to pre-operational as well as operational and routine monitoring phases. Establishing a baseline in terms of pre-operational levels as well as equilibrium factors is paramount in terms of workplace planning and ventilation. This also provides the information necessary to determine monitoring regimes, e.g. area vs personal exposure monitoring.


PARC Scientific draws on more than 20 years of experience in design, conduct and interpretation of workplace surveys, and offers assistance in the establishment and maintenance of a monitoring strategy. This entails periodic analyses, reporting and updating on e.g. a monthly or quarterly basis. Advice is available on mitigation measures where high levels occur, e.g. ventilation quantity and routing improvements or other methods.

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